Science & Nature blogs are captivating digital realms where curiosity meets discovery. These blogs celebrate the wonders of our natural world, unravel scientific mysteries, and ignite awe.

Articles [Science & Nature]

Whenever I hear about any paranormal incidents or any strange occurrences, the first question that comes to my mind is - did that really happen? Sometimes, the events are exaggerated such we downright recognize it is as a hoax. But sometimes, the...

Introduction The environment comprises of everything present around us with which we are surrounded with and that may include living organisms along with non-living things. It also includes natural forces, natural resources like water, air, soil,...

I am hopeful despite all the exploitation My question is from the younger generation that can remember the beginning of this century or they were old enough to remember their surroundings in the year 1999. Do you still recall those days when the...

This article is focused particles on chemical evolution. Earth developed around 4.6 billion years back by condensation of elm or cloud of cosmic dust and gases. Not body knows what actually happened. Well its beyond our reach to go into past and...

Introduction:  When unusually large amount of surface water with the advent of sudden burst of rain comes flooding with force to land area is called as storm water. Storm water runoff from roads and cultivated lands flows through different...

Introduction: The Earth is unique, with the presence of an atmosphere, and life. Many scientific inventions have not yet been enough to find a single existence of life anywhere around the universe. This makes the earth the most unique place to...

Introduction: Like all the branches of life, war has also come under the impact of science. Science plays a leading role in the warfare in the modern age. In consequence, the talents and energies of some of the most outstanding scientists of the...

Introduction: Most of the dreams dreamt by the late H.G. Wells in his novel entitled “Dreams” have come true. There is no aspect of our life in which electricity does not play a part. There is no aspect vof our life in which electricity does not...

Introduction: Man’s desire to know the unknown is never satisfied. To satisfy his desire or thirst for knowledge, he accepts the denomination of science. Science will not step down from its high throne as long as desire to penetrate the secret and...

Energy is essential to carry out tasks. Today many sources of energy are available. But among them, solar energy is considered to be perennial source of energy. However coal, natural gas, nuclear fuels, petroleum products are used mainly and...

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