Science & Nature blogs are captivating digital realms where curiosity meets discovery. These blogs celebrate the wonders of our natural world, unravel scientific mysteries, and ignite awe.

Articles [Science & Nature]

Electricity is one of the best inventions of science. We cannot imagine our lives without electricity. It has given us powers and lights of which our ancestors were deprived of in earlier days. All our comforts, facilities that we enjoy in our day...

Plastic is an invention of man. It is a material created and extensively used by him. It is a synthetic or semi synthetic material. It is available in various shapes and thickness. Unique property of it is that it can be molded. Plastic is useful...

Today's world is regarded as science age. Science is related to each and every field associated with us. It has totally changed our lives. The things which were considered impossible by us, were made possible by science. The aspects in which we...

Today, it has become essential to think deeply about ourselves and our environment because sometimes it becomes necessary to think regarding certain issues. We all agree that science and technology has given us a lot of modern facilities, amenities...

Introduction: Ghost is a legendary creature, which can be real or in phantasm. Ghost is sometimes known as "Specter" or specter in different cultures. It is the living soul of a dead person, or animal. It is searching for its own body inside the...

Plastic is an essential thing these days. It is needed in packaging of anything It is present in almost everything like our food is packed in plastic boxes, our cars have plastic accessories, our mobiles have plastic parts, almost every industrial...

Modern age is the age of science .science has certainly become an indispensable part of life. It has placed magical power in to the hands of man .man has, more or less, conquered the forces of nature with help of science .science has rendered it’s...

The rivers are great depositories of water and they have sustained civilizations since advent of time. When they flow in their full bloom it is a sight for the God's to watch. The energy they ooze while flowing from the mountains into the seas is...

Do aliens really exist? Are UFO sightings real? These kind of questions has haunted human beings for so many years. Some people believe that aliens are real and they had visited earth on many occasions. People belonging to...

  According to the Greek words "nitron" and "genes", which together mean "saltpetre forming". Nitrogen was discovered by the Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772. Nitrogen is a chemical element having atomic number 7 in the periodic...

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