Articles [Social Life]

  Money is something which man made and now it some what rules there mind and there are some people who are crazy for money. The craze for money is specially increasing among the teenagers . There may be many reasons for it but this craze may not...

Parents should  be strict some times with their children . If  Parents give complete freedom to their children they can go out of their hand. If parents are not strict with their children their children doesn't hear to them and do things they want...

This is my first ever article I write on boddunan about one secrets of life .Yeah..That is about secret behond positive thinking.I think  this  will be my one of best postings in boddunan. Apart from this,the article has nice scenario explaining...

This anonymous word "GAP".I have seen it in many T-shirts..What is this??? GAP is a term I have coined and it stands for Guy or a Girl with Attitude Problem. Here is a management story and the climax is open for discussion. A and B are working...

The God is standing in front of me & I was trying to convince him, Like I do with my boss, Neither a quarrel nor an attitude of enemy; it's just the effort to make others understand my point of view! So I did it with the God also... God & I...

  Mother tongue is one’s native language. It is the language that a child learns to speak first. He gains the knowledge of things around him through this. The early education of any child is carried out through it. But later he may have to...

Generally a student has to confine himself to his studies. But it is good to remember that he has an obligation to his motherland. In times of need he should be ready to serve her. One such need arises in the field of defence. It is the duty of...

Being yourself As we grow older, we learn from people and the world around us! 1) Our parents 2) what we read 3) our teachers and friends 4) what we see and hear. All this helps us to know more and think better. But this does not mean we have to...

    Should we abolish Capital Punishment ?     Should capital punishment be abolished? This question raises a number of other questions. Should an assassin be given lifelong imprisonment? Will the abolition of the death penalty result in a...

1. Never Try To Be Successful Success is the bye-product. Excellence always creates success. So, never run after the success, let it happen automatically in the life. 2. Freedom To Life Don?t die before actual death. Live every moment to the...

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