Articles [Stories & Tales]

There was once a trader. His name was Ram. He sold salt and cotton. These he loaded on an ass and an ox and went from village to village. He put the lighter load of cotton on the ass and the heavier load of salt on the ox. The ox was certainly the...

Once up on a time there was a donkey. He suddenly decided that he had enough of hard work and beatings from his mater.   `I know,’ he thought, `I will flee to the forest and live in freedom! I will graze on the forest grass and who will there be to...

Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns! One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns! When Easter comes many have this rhyme on their lips. Why ?   Once Hot cross buns were toasted , buttered and eaten cold as an Easter treat. Now people are eating them in...

About four hundred years ago, there lived Muslim king Akbar. He was a great king that he was called a great emperor. Akbar lived in a huge palace in Delhi, India. At Akbar’s court, there were many famous people. There were artists and musicians;...

A poor man said to his four sons one day, `My children, I have nothing to give you, no money or land. Go out into the world and learn a trade. The brothers agreed to return home after four years. Each of them set off in a different direction. The...

Ravindra was his grandmother’s pet. He was born after many years of his parents’ marriage. So he was pampered by everyone. Through Ravindra was now no longer a toddler, his parents and grandmother took a lot of care and never left him alone. As...

Find out what happens when thieves accuse an honest old man of cheating them. Many years ago, there was a gang of four thieves who lived in a forest. They kept all their stolen money in a pot. After some time, they decided to stop stealing and do...

The Greek hero, Ulysses, king of Ithaca, had many great adventures. The stories of these adventures are told in a wonderful book called the odyssey. Here is one of them. When Ulysses and his men reached Sicily, they stopped. Ulysses went on shore...

Once up on a time, there lived a prince. He was fond of traveling and visiting distant lands. One day, he mounted his horse and rode away to some place. On his way, he passed by a fully bloomed sunflower field. There stood a big and shady tree at...

When we say the shy is `angry’ we usually mean that the sky is full of dark thunderclouds. However the following story is adapted from an old tale called `why people park’. The sky was very close to the ground at one time. It was no higher than...

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