: Diseases (309)
Articles [Diseases]
Good health does not only mean being free from disease. It also means having a body that is fit and a mind that is healthy. A healthy person can work hard, interact well with people, enjoy leisure, and adapt to the changes and stresses of...
A few months ago India as well as many countries were in a frightened and tensile condition due to the out break of a new flu namely Swine Flu.It was caused by influenza A or H1N1 virus , an influenza virus.The first case in the world was reported...
• Allergy: a condition in which a man or a woman is sensitive or susceptible to the effects of drug or an article. This is a Hay fever, asthma, eczema are allergic diseases.
• Anemia: from this disease, bloodlessness due to lack of red blood...
All of us have our bad habits and smoking is one of them. While smoking is injurious to health of the person who has this habit, what is of more concern is the fact that non smokers are bigger victims than smokers themselves. The areas were non...
Today the world is being stumbled due to swine flu since the death rate goes on increasing, as I am one among yours I would like to share few preventive measures for Swine Flu
First how the virus is transmitted between the people can be analysed...
What is Cancer : There are lots of types of cancer - Breast Cancer and Hypothalamic and Visual Pathway Glioma of Childhood and Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome - just to list a couple of examples. But, all of these malignancies have a few...
There are three main ways to treat mesothelioma, these, Chemotherapy, Surgery and Radiotherapy.The surgical procedures in treating the disease amounts used three types - Typical Procedures, Mitigating Procedures, potentially Curative...
Approximately 2000 to 3000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year in the United States. Once a patient receives a diagnosis of this cancer, his or her doctor will most likely forecast of the likely course and outcome of the disease with...
Pericardial Mesothelioma - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis & Basic Facts for you to know
Pericardial mesothelioma provides about half of all accountable and pericardial tumors is extremely rare. This cancer represents approximately 6%...
यदि आप mesothelioma है, तो आप शायद एस्बेस्टोस के संपर्क में हैं और आप पहले से मुआवजा लेने का अधिकार है. Mesothelioma एक घातक बीमारी है जो मुख्य रूप से एस्बेस्टोस, एक स्वाभाविक रूप से होने वाली है कि खनिज उद्योग खड़ी कर रहा है उपयोग किया जाता है....
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