: Personal Care (566)
Articles [Personal Care]
आँखो के चारो ओर कालापन या काले घेरे
आजकल की अनियमित निद्रा,देर रात तक जागना या काम करना,अधिक समय तक कंप्यूटर चलना,टीवी देखना, आदि के कारण हमारी आँखो के नीचे कालापन आ जाता है या काले घेरे बन जाते है. जिसके कारण हमारा चेहरा भद्दा लगने लगता है. इसे...
Dandruff is a problem which is caused by a fungus and this problem is very frustrating too. The dry hair will create itching and dandruff in our hair. The dead cells which are on the scalp become like a layer and this looks very awkward &...
बालो का समय से पहले सफ़ेद होना
आज के समय में जब हर तरफ प्रदुषण फ़ेल हुआ हे बालो का सफ़ेद होना सामान्य बात हो गयी हे। प्रदुषण के कारण बालो पर दुष्प्रभाव पड़ता हे जिसके कारण वे समय से पहले बुजुर्गो की भाति...
Nine out of ten persons in the world are going to suffer from back pain sometime in their lives. It is the most widely prevalent discomfort causing phenomenon a person usually suffers from. It is also a common cause of lost manhours by...
Among the daily products milk is the best nutritious food which is very much necessary for our body. Most of the people do not like having milk from their childhood itself and the main reason was they do not like the smell of milk or its taste or...
Most of us suffer from pimples problem. This skin problem is faced by all age group people. Especially this is skin problem commonly seen in teenagers and elders. Pollution, dust, dirt, oily skin, black and white head are causing pimples...
Most of the people expect them to look beautiful every time. So according to our age we need to take care of our beauty. We should take a lot of care when we are at home, while going out and in a long journey. Because long journey’s also leads to...
In winter season face loses its natural glow, causes irritation and becomes more dry and dull.
Face loses its glow due to loss of its natural oils, menstrual problems etc.
Due to usage of soaps, chemical cosmetics, perfumes and...
The skin of human being may be black or colorless. The production of Melanin in our body decides our color. Excess production of Melanin is responsible for darkening of our skin. But it is realty that everyone wished whiter, brighter and lighter...
Fitness of body will influence the whole life. When we are fit at the body level we feel energetic and confident. We are able to face the challenges of life easily. But the lifestyle of today’s world is making people lazy and...
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