: General (757)
Articles [General]
‘Man is a product of nature’. Wherein ‘Nature’ includes his whole environment. The environment plays a major role in the development of a person’s overall personality. “A sound mind houses in a sound body” is a famous saying. The development of a...
Nowadays internet has become a vast source of knowledge in the world. Several websites developed and published on the internet make it simple and easy to gather any information by simply searching through search engines. Business people make a wide...
With industrialization, many toxic substances have contaminated land, water and air. Such contamination can have an adverse affects on the health of the living organism and subsequently on that of the ecosystem as a whole. Among the many techniques...
Agro-forestry is a kind of land management in which the same pieces of land is used for different purposes such as pasture, agricultural crops and growing trees. The agricultural crops, the fodders and the trees are either grown sequentially...
Not long ago, our grandmothers used only one remedy for washing dishes and clothes and that was the well-known soap. Perhaps this is a universal remedy which is not as well managed with its responsibilities. But the damage from it was minimal. Over...
Once upon a time we all were small kids but that time we didn’t find so much facilities and even no one at that time was so much aware also. But nowadays parents are aware and they try new and new things daily to make their child more and more...
If you want your website well placed in Google and other search engines, the smartest trick is to write good, informative and interesting articles that users want to read. At the same time, you should write the article in such a way that the...
Examination time is the pressure time. This is the time when we have to learn lot’ve things in a short time span. It is a time when we have to learn and retain many things. Those who are smart succeed and those who fail to cope up in their...
This article belongs to Geology. In 1889, Dutton, an American–geologist, proposed the term Isostacy (fin a Greek word meaning 'equipoises' or 'equal standing') for the gravitational equilibrium which determines the heights of continents and the...
The developments that followed industrialization have made our life very comfortable. We are able to enjoy many facilities and privileges. Our works have become easier. But in the process of bringing out such developments, we have unknowingly...
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