Computers & Technology blogs form a dynamic realm where digital enthusiasts, tech geeks, and curious minds converge. These blogs serve as digital hubs, offering insights, updates, and practical advice on all things tech-related.

Articles [Computers & Technology]

Recently I have purchased a Apple Macbook Pro Retina 13 inch laptop. I’ve always wanted an Apple Macbook because it looks so good and the display is very crisp and clear. And I’ve been said a Mac has much good performance (But I suppose any Windows...

Chapter 1 - Jailbreaking my iPhone iOS 7 What’s the biggest flaw with an iPhone? You can’t send files over bluetooth. What’s the fix? Jailbreak your phone! (Jailbreaking is kind of like hacking into the phone and making changes to the system...

Just a month ago Google has launched the latest version Android 5.0 called lollipop. Right now not all android devices will get the update for this latest Android version. Only few latest phones and other phones that used to get directly updates...

Typing in any touch screen phones is little difficult part as you can make more mistakes in compare to normal keypad. In android phones by default keyboard application is not that good. I mean it not provide any extra features and functions than...

Rooting any android phone means to access its system folder so that you can make changes in system files. It is a complex thing and one should only try this rooting stuff if he or she has enough information and knowledge about it otherwise you can...

These days almost every people are having their own smart phones. And among these phones Android is quite famous mobile operating system in compare to other mobile OS especially in India. These days I have also seen that people is having craze of...

Introduction:  Information technology (IT) evolves and transforms the entire world. Since, time immemorial race of human civilizations practices various methods to reduce the distance between places. Mode of communication enables all of us to...

Information technology emerged in several fields like software development, business process outsourcing, knowledge process outsourcing, etc. In order to finish the tasks quickly, every company is designing and developing software for their needs,...

Technology helps mankind in several ways. Anything you can buy by sitting in the comfort of your home if you had an email id. Email helps to communicate to other persons about our thoughts, suggestions and share the knowledge. Several companies are...

When you hear grievances from individuals who've taken a stab at starting a new business online and fizzled, chances are that its not that their endeavors were wrong, they simply weren't polishing powerful web showcasing. This is the place large...

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