Computers & Technology blogs form a dynamic realm where digital enthusiasts, tech geeks, and curious minds converge. These blogs serve as digital hubs, offering insights, updates, and practical advice on all things tech-related.

Articles [Computers & Technology]

Ever wondered how fast cellular technology has developed? Remember those huge basic hand-held devices with vulgar designs which were in the market ages ago with unaffordable prices? Yes, it was all there from where the present smartphones come...

In today’s changing online technical world, privacy is rare. If you do not want to share your information with strangers on the internet, then you have to actively take steps to protect your privacy. In this post, we will learn how to remove...

YouTube is the most popular video-sharing site in the world. All the latest movie trailers and songs are released on YouTube first before it is aired on TV. So if you want to catch the latest movie trailer you would go to...

The world is becoming a smaller place day by day. Thanks to internet. We are very close to the people all around world and also have the option to directly connect to anyone in the world with a click using WhatsApp or Skype or other similar...

The first thing I do in morning is not to pray to God for another wonderful morning, or thank him for the two beautiful kids I have or plan for the day ahead or think about my health and do some exercise or yoga. The first thing I do is switch on...

Smartphones are no more a special thing for us. Almost all people have this smart device which is really helpful to us in many ways. Now it is no more ordinary phone like older days which was only used for calling and messaging purpose because now...

Smartphone world is getting bigger and bigger in shape. They have so many new things and features to offer that they keep launching new and new smartphones. So many new companies have already entered in to the market and with all of them we are...

Android is open source operating system. So if you know about developing stuff then you can root your android phone and install different custom ROMs on your phone to get more features. You can know all information about custom ROMs from my...

Privacy is an important thing in every section. Same goes for mobile phones too. People always have something to hide from others on their mobile phone like photos, files, videos and many more. Well, I am not talking about rubbish things and in the...

Google is beneficial, fun and good for everyone. It has many services. Search is prominent one but it is not the only service from Google. It is a delightful experience that Google provides so much for free! Google provides users with a variety of...

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