
  • To produce a unique write-up we must remember that there are four important factors of writing which basically do not only possess a strong independent identity in creative writing rather these are very much interlinked to each other too. It would be better to say that these factors of writing

  • 5 Things to do to avoid

                            Tooth Sensitivity




  • What are the differences between generalized and specialized acquisition of knowledge for writing? Is selecting a particular niche for writing important for writing or we can write about any topic that we like? What are your views regarding this?

  • If you love someone , go for it . what are you afraid of ? Rejection? Are you sure you will get rejected ? Why not give it a try? Even if you got rejected ,you will atleast have mental peace that you atleast confessed.You will learn a lesson from it . Sitting at a place and doing nothing .

  • I have been writing for close to 15 years with 2 published novels and tens of short stories as well as articles over a period, on nearly 30 sites ( many closed now). I have observed that almost all sites that matter have a brief bio data ( even a line ) PLUS a photograph of all contributors.




    The onset of cryptocurrency and the digitization of money has brought a massive revolution worldwide. The decentralization of things made the buyer and seller communicate with each other directly without the involvement of any third-party applications, in order to avoid the payment of

  • I feel very comfortable to write on word and paste my articles here. That is how I do on all the sites I work on, including mine.

    Word helps us check grammar, spelling , gives us a better diction ect.

    I also find the text size very small and it makes it difficult for me to proof

  • Today's era is the era of science. Man is moving towards material happiness. As a result, there has been unprecedented progress in this era of physics. New inventions are happening every day. Man has been conquering nature with his intelligence. Today's scientists have made the impossible

  • Would you be comfortable writing in any other language?  Do you think that you would be able to express yourself better in another language? 

    Personally I am more comfortable writing in English. I love the language and use every opportunity to better my writing
