
  • In this Covid circumstance, being locked into a home must be very tough. This lifestyle can get boring, anyone can drain into depression, starting overthinking. 


    EXERCISE: Working out in the morning can refresh your psyche and it will be better for your immune system

  • India - The Country still Alive


    India, Bharat, Hindustan

    The only civilization that after so many attacks and loots is still living in its purest form. Smiling and laughing, playing, jumping and dancing. Its alive till now when other civilization born and

  • I clicked on this link to read the latest article published and guess what I found ? you can click and see for yourself... I wonder how this got published or even edited ..


  • I learned about this certification last year in 2020 when I was learning Android Development. I was just browsing Youtube and watching the Google I/O Keynote 2019 when I came across a Google’s Associate Android Developer’s success story. That’s when I realized Google’s certificate! provides

  • Are the medicines that we take or the ones doctor prescribes...are these really curing the disease. I read somewhere that for a medical store to run profitably it needs only 6 sugar patients... 

    So what do we do take the medicines or not?? Whom do we go and complain to???

  • The referral program is very provoking and fabulous. When can we expect it to return to the site. Will it return...?

  • Word is CHAIR

     if you remove c it is HAIR

    again you remove a it is AIR

    now you start a word and remove a letter one after one to make a meaning  words even after removing letters.

  • Salman Kh


    we are seeing nepotism from ancient period ,the son of king will be the next king or the son of any post holder will be the next holder and its still continuing in modern times . there are many examples of nepotism in our modern

  • With over 2.5 billion dynamic clients in 190 nations, Android is the most famous working framework on the planet. Since its origin, Android has filled in prevalence many years. Through its prominence in arising countries, Android has kept on growing at an incredible rate in India. The

  • It was the time internet had started peeping in our lives, I was from well cultured family.  Well cultured and well to do family from Dombivali, so, my childhood was excellent compared to others.  I also, reciprocated the same way by being a bright student. 

    With internet
