
  • In this Covid circumstance, being locked into a home must be very tough. This lifestyle can get boring, anyone can drain into depression, starting overthinking. 


    EXERCISE: Working out in the morning can refresh your psyche and it will be better for your immune system

  • Well I don't think there's a better way to express your love for someone, than through songs. Cards, or the well planned 'unexpected gift at an unexpected time', all pale in comparison. In life, all you need is love, uhhh, & chocolate, & a good bank balance, & high speed internet!!

  • ASPIRIN tablets can remove acne and pimples problems, know it's all benefits

    Sometimes, being exposed to dust for a long time, causes dirt on our skin, causing pimples and acne on our skin. Many girls use a lot of beauty products to overcome these problems, but using these beauty


  • I am not saying about just a romantic relationship. May the relationship of a parent and a child, husband and wife, between friends or lovers. Though we love our dear ones, we express it only whenever it is needed. We may express it more when we see a friend after many years, soon after

  • Best friend

    Best friends are real blessings of our lives.They are not only our friends but also love our lives. That one relationship play many role in our lives.They support and love us like our life partners , they protect us and care for us like siblings.We cannot live without

  • The Mahabharata is one of the oldest epics ever written. Experts are of the opinion that perhaps it was written around 4500 BC. This epic predates the Iliad and the Odessey by at least a few centuries. Like the Greek epics the Mahabharata also  has some interpolations and

  • The movie Bride and Prejudice is an Indian adaptation of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice by Gurinder Chadha. The movie is often seen as a typical Indian version of a great novel transformed into a mere singing of songs around trees. However, in order to see it's beauty

  • India is home to great literature and two of the greatest epics originated from the sub-continent. They are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is the more voluminous tome and also covers the entire gamut of human emotion. It portrays it's tale on a vast canvas and also raises

  • I love to write on contentious topics.  here is a idea that germinated in my mind after reading the translation of the Mahabharata by C Rajagopal Chary. This is a very graphic account of the Mahabharata, which is essentially an account of a battle between two clans who were cousins, namely

  • Friendship is a flower placed in true heart's vase, bringing comfort and peace all your days. It is an epidemic of codependency and the only true care.Some relations are made by god and those which he forget to name are bound by a precious relation of Friendship. Friendship is a two way road.

  • I have always seen Gabriel and Michael, the archangels of God standing next to me in all the situations. So, did anyone of you experience the same? They protect us, love us, care for us and are obedient and humble. It is a soothing experience to have them in your life.

    The angels of God

  • Separating is an extreme time. It tends to be better or more terrible relying upon how you manage it. Here is some data to assist you with perceiving how you're feeling, and why. 



    You'll likewise discover tips for traversing the finish of your

  • This was my 1st ever drive in my friend’s car. We were in 1st year of Bachelors Of Commerce.

    I was amazed by the experience of fast cars. My friend was perfect on the car. Drifting and spinning his car at top speed was so easy for him.

    I asked my dad if I could learn

  • I've gone through a seachange in the last few years. I'm no longer the timid, tall guy that I was during my late teens, or the angry young man in my 20s. Reading has permeated every nook & corner of my existence. Honestly speaking, I've never felt this bodacious in all the 33 revolutions

  • In this busy and stressed life of 21st Century we take relationships to casually. We leave the second moment  when something goes out of our league. We don't take even a moment to think about it and work on it. I myself have been in a relationship for 7 years. And in this long run I have

  • Expressing something that is beyond the imagination of today's world, especially youths who are just

  • If you love someone , go for it . what are you afraid of ? Rejection? Are you sure you will get rejected ? Why not give it a try? Even if you got rejected ,you will atleast have mental peace that you atleast confessed.You will learn a lesson from it . Sitting at a place and doing nothing .

  • Suraj was sitting on a train. He was leaving Kolkata forever. He was excited but guilty. It was raining outside, and a few raindrops were sliding down the window. But a few raindrops were sliding down through his eyes too. Suraj had left the love of his life behind, and he was thinking

  • How difficult is it to not be together even after living together. How hard to find love in the relationship. Love story basically grow till then we meet her and said yes u are always right even if it's wrong.and we know that he is going on wrong path.but stil he is gud . because we are in love


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