
  • It is shocking to hear this...According to MPI , Multinational Poverty Index developed by the Oxford research center 8 states in India are poorer than the poorest of African nations...The states include West Bengal, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan among

  • Legally Kashmir acceded to India when the ruler of Kashmir Maharajah Hari Singh signed the option to accede to India in 1947. Unfortunately misplaced zeal by the then Indian prime minister Jwaharlal Nehru saw India refer the case to the UNO. The matter came up before the security council which

  • Every person has questions in their mind. But few really try to solve it. The National Science Day is



  • The  Kashmir problem has been festering for 69 years with no solution in sight. One can trace the genesis of this problem to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. This man, in one of the blunders of world history, took the matter to the United Nations and worse, agreed for a ceasefire. This, at a time

  • Today's era is the era of science. Man is moving towards material happiness. As a result, there has been unprecedented progress in this era of physics. New inventions are happening every day. Man has been conquering nature with his intelligence. Today's scientists have made the impossible
