


    Khud hi se pooch lenge raahein

    Yaheen kaheen, mauzon mein hi

    Dhoondh lenge hum

    Boondon se hi to hai waheen

    Bandh lenge leharein

    Pairon tale jo bhi mile

    Baandh lenge hum kinare


  • Which movie is the best Sci-fi movie according to you and why ?

  • What do you of Bollywood when it comes to movies like Stree, Uri-The Surgical Strike, Badhai Ho vs Thugs of Hindustan, Race 3 etc. Tell me your views.

  • How Shahrukh Khan got famous?

  • Indian cinema is one of the oldest in the world cinemas. Movies of Indian origin are also said to be the largest in terms of output. But,

  • Katappa ne Bahubali ko kyu mara? Why Katappa killed Bahubali was the subject of national discussion in 2016 and when Bahubali-2 got released world over and the way the collection of this movie are breaking records day in and day out, it seems soon, it will have a status of National Movie. It

  • If we closely examine movies in the present decade (belonging to any language), I feel that they are realistic comparing old melodrama ages or masala movies of 1980s and 1990s. I feel audience are now wise, and they always try to relate movies to real life incidents. Technically movies are far

  • Jug jug jiyo is One time watch movie family entertainer ratings 3.5/5 

  • ...
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  • After the surgical attacks by the army... There have been few people who insist that India completely cut off its pakistani ties and send back all its people...including actors businessman etc.... Recently Karan Johar n mahesh Bhatt have opposed ths view.

    So whats your take on it?

  • There are lot of Daku you seen in Movies like Gabbar singh ,Jageera ,Mangal singh,Pan singh tomar,Daku Haseena etc The Daku of your choice is ?

  • In today's post, we are going to talk about those 4 big films of the world which have flopped only because of

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  • We all watch movie for entertainment. The entertainment ca mean different things to different people--good story, acting, action, technique, music....What are your three top most criterion when you choose to go and watch a movie in theater.??

  • If you are a fan of Bollywood old movies and music, this question is for you.

    Why do you love old movies? I mean the golden era of 1950s to 1970s. For its story, direction, acting skills or music - the major fractions which together forms a movie. In what ways are they superior to

  • The Queen Of Tragedy.

    Today we will talk about such a beautiful actress who should be there
