For last two day i am trying to find the featured poll of the week but i am not able to see in home page or polls page. Is featured polls contest for week closed or no one havent post any polls at all.

I also want to know on what basis the polls or selected. Is there any specific topics which are not allowed? I need help on posting polls as most of the polls i submitted are either rejected or pending.

If my doubt is clarified by the moderator i would be happy.
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These days polls are talking one week for approval.As far as i know, if the poll is a creative one and different from others, it will get award.

Check out the threads that starts with "Weekly contest Winners.." to give an idea of the polls that gets awards.It will show the poll that is awarded as Featured poll of the week. For eg.see the link below

Hope you got some answers for your doubts.
thanks for the reply..
As you said maybe there are no creative polls to get approved now-a-days..
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