How many web links can one post per day in boddunan

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web links are many type people can use and declare his question on weblinkes
Thank you mansoor ahmad

weblinks available by the boddunan
they provide all the facilities those people want
Weblinks are when you post about boddunan in other sites and you post that site url in weblinks, you are paid for that, this is the procedure in other sites,so it can be the same in boddunan, wanted to clear this here if i was right.

Web links was there in boddunan also.But due to misuse it was abandoned.I don't know whether re initiated or not.

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Abid, sometime back it was restored. However there is a limit

Max 5 weblinks per domain( for life time, i.e. 5 weblinks of yahoo answers, 5 for some other site etc )
Max 5 weblinks per day

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Maverick, The 5 web links per day was in my mind.But as I was not sure not able to express.

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In how many days does a web links get approved,

Thanks maverick for your clearing. I didn't knew some rules. Thanks.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes, I have read it sometime back in the forum that maximum of 5 weblinks is allowed and there is a separate post for it where every rule regarding the it is mentioned but now since Maverick mentioned about the same it is clear to us....
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