The Chinese Prime Minister has remarked that Indian media exaggerates disputes between India and china. According to him, there are now very less clashes on Border between two countries.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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The Chine Prime Minister has visited India and Pakistan both. See the links below for better understanding of china's relations with India and Pakistan. The strategic ties between these three countries are likely to have far reaching affect on wold politics. It is also necessary for India to carefully assess the outcome of Chinese Prime minister to our country as well as Pakistan.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Dear Friend,
You have chosen this topic wisely.
This is knowledge information to spread the awareness about the Indian Media. H
ope this topic will put some light on median.
Keep writing this kind of knowledgeable article.

BJP leader has advised Tit for tat against Chinese exaggerated claims on Indian territory.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think the Chinese Premier visit is the biggest non-event of this year.First let us address the fundamental question of what do we get by keeping China in good humor! China only understands the language of strength and is busy all the time to bully India which unfortunately is not appreciated and much less understood by the Indian political leadership.Why can't we think of forging strategic relationships with countries which are not at all comfortable with Chinese hegemony like Japan,Vietnam and Taiwan!
exaggeration by indian media is a different topic but China,whatever be its diplomatic statements, has never shown by way of deeds, any goodwill towards india.Be its cyber-army or weather control mechanisms or whatever for that matter has always been in a mysterious boundary of suspicion.

China has lost all credibility and a country which has demonized Pakistan and proudly claims to be its all-weather friend shows itself in all its dark colors!!
I think media is a medium for exageration irrespective of country.

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Many Indian businessmen are imprisoned in china for tax evasion. It was considered that the Chinese authorities are adopting some pressure tactics before Prime Minister's visit to India. But they are still in jail. However they are treated well in prison.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks for sharing this piece of interesting information.However well the treatment might be but the fact that they are in prison makes it very shameful!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]Thanks for sharing this piece of interesting information.However well the treatment might be but the fact that they are in prison makes it very shameful![/quote]

Being in prison is definitely shameful. Imprisonment for war or political reason may be matter of pride but these individuals are in jail for financial offenses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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