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Good news! Thanks for sharing it! All our projects should be completed within their sheduled time to avoid escalation in costs!
Thanks for sharing the news,Neetu.I didn't know much about it. :) :)
thanx for updating us all on this topic :laugh: :angry:

a big round of of applause for you :woohoo:
We need more airports of international standards to cater to rising air traffic!
its such an huge and big plane which carries many weapons and soilders to faught at border security forces!!!!!!!
these kind of planes will have many feature and can fly at very high altitudes with high speeds.......
Hey! We are talking about airports not planes, man! Your two separate posts all talk about something not related to the subject!
We are not discussing about aeroplanes,Friend.It is a discussion on Navi mumbai airport. :) :)
Let us stick to the subject and don't bring irrelevant things into a topic!
Good thing to hear but I hope this will have a good landing area instead of the cochin airport which took 150 lives due to low area to turn around and land the plane...

Cheers to India...


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