It is happy that the relation between India and Pak is getting well day by day.As a new move the foreign secretaries of both countries will meet on June 26.Then Krishna and Kureshi the foreign ministers of India and Pakisthan will meet in Islamabad on July 15.

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Yes Abid, it is a very heartening sign that both sides are realizing the fruitlessness of an antagonistic stand.Hope something concrete emerges out of it.
:( I don't think so..... I never believe in Pakistan.... :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,

I do see your point but then what is the alternative? As Atalji once famously you said that you cannot change your neighbours!
I think to become friend with Pakistan better to be Enemy of Pakistan.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Hostilities with Pakistan have not contributed in finding a solution to our age old problem.Now both of us have nuclear capabilities.Just spare a thought of the consequences of another war!No one would emerge unscathed.
We may change anything except neighbor. The reality of Pakistan as our next door neighbor cannot be wished away. Ultimately, it is in interest of both to maintain at least good working relations.

Moreover, the animosity between two countries must fade as the current generation and future generation are very remote from the most cruel part of history during late forties and early fifties

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think by creating an awareness among people of both countries it will work.Through all possible fields of cooperation let us have a trial.

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It is the responsibility of all the right-thinking people of both the countries to promote this awareness to have friendly relations without which both the countries can not progress in the true sense.Our defence spiralling expenditure is preventing us from making any progress in human development.
I agree with this statement,
Yes indeed the relationship is getting stronger with the marriage of sania and shoaib malik...

If people thinking can not be changed than no one can have friendly relationship.. I also want to tell that at present the government of pakistan can not control its people which is clear from the increased number of terrorist attacks in pakistan and india. The governments before coming to an agreement have to think about these issue.

And India should be beware of this first or else what is the point in getting to an agreement.

As said by @deepti believing pakistan is little bit difficult and India should think before proceeding.
It is correct to say that Pakistan's past record is suspect and India needs to tread very cautiously.We can just be firm in dealing Pakistan but not stubborn.
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