Do u believe in God or not ? Reason for u opinion

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I believe in God . God is only for whom who believe that God is exist. so you also try to believe on God . so you will work on right direction ...

Santosh Kumar Singh


I believe in its existence. I used the word 'IT' because i do not think God has any form or gender. I denote my creator as God, whether it is natural or scientific.
My views are more similar with that of Anusha's. I believe there is some supreme power above us. You can call it anything.The reason for believing is not all things are happening according to our wishes. Some things are happening beyound our control.
yes i am believing in god he is here in my heart
you have to just find him inside your heart
"Every truth is a god"
I believe in the one and only one God that created the whole Universe and under whose control all things happen.

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I Believe in God because he made many miracles in my LIFE . According to me God is my best friend. where i share all my sadness and happiness. :)
I don't beleve in existence of God. There is no evidence of his existence and role. All events are caused by nature. If some conscious power like God were at work, there would be some modifications in laws of physics, chemistry and maths from time to time. Every thing happens in a particular way. If you accidentally fall from a height, law of gravitation will work and God will not use his power or authority to save you. The sun, moon, Earth are moving as they did even many thousands years or more ago. The humn and animal psychlogy is also unchanged. Thus there is no role of God either in making or maintaining the universe.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

@gulshan kumar ajmani

do you believe any power in the universe . if you believe that power is called "GOD".
Yes I believe in God!

Yet I do not know much about Him more than I have been hearing from my elders and that I watch out of the Hindu festivals celebrated in our society.
I would like to mention that almost all the festivals celebrated by Hindus are somehow connected to God.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
I believe in God. The ultimate reason beyond creations which can't be explained by science, is God.
Yet, God is not who gives you whatever you need, but he is the confidence maker in you to make the things you need.
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