two swine flu death, 37 patients admitted in hospital. This is the shocking latest news from our capital Delhi
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Tulsi, the purest and most sublime plant, has been known and worshiped in India for more than five millennia for its remarkable healing properties. Considered as an 'Elixir of Life', this wonder herb has now been claimed to keep the deadly swine flu at bay and help fast recovery in afflicted persons.

"The anti-flu property of Tulsi has been discovered by medical experts
Always wash hands frequently to avoid swine flu infection.
This is one of the measures suggested by doctors too.
This is a very sad news. We will have to something to prevent this flu from spreading any further.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Also, try not to shake hands with people in public. Instead we can say "Namaste" if we are in a deseperate situation to wish them.
This is very distrubing! In spite of the Pandemic scarelast year, this year too it is spreading far and wide owing to people's negligence.

In Pune alone, the number of patients having Swine Flue has crossed 1000 in two months!

To avoid contracting infection, keep you mouth and nose covered when in public, wash hands frequently with soap and water and the best remedy is to stay home when having cold and cough!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Sajee i havn't heard of this. I hope and wish many researchers start working at war time speed to eradicate this swine flu.
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