Air India Express flight IX-212; from Dubai to Pune had a very nack escape on May 24 when the aircraft started losing altitude at the rate of 2000 feet per minute. :S :blink: :dry: :angry: :ohmy: :ohmy: :silly: :silly: :S

Have a look at the news here,

Are the air services irresponsible with their duties??????????????
Is their safety for the passengers????? :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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It's just awful! The reason cited is that the commander could not get back to the controls in time after a trip to the toilet!!
I also read about this news. Within a week from the mangalore tragedy,this has happened. I wonder about the careless attitude of Air India even after the tragedy.
Plane mishaps and mishap escapes are being reported a lot in recent days.What is actually the cause?

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Air India Flights are highly limelighted now a days for mishappenings..
What is the reason..There may be some serious issues going on there..

Aastha Gupta
I think most of the fights of air-india are not checked for mechnical problem before take off...this is quite common in case of govt running incase of local bus run by state will see some frequent breakdown bus which are old and need to be repaired which is ignored by the RTC due to lack of funds or someother problem..

You are absolutely correct that these government-run boodies are dens of corruption and inefficiency.
Air India is not paying much attention on maintenance of planes..They are playing with the lives of innocent passengers..

"Air India! Is it your hobby.."

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
It's time that Air India - its management and staff do some soul-searching!
Do they have soul??
Do they have conscience??
Do they have consciousness??
A subject of research....
:) :laugh:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
chinmoymukherjee wrote:

You are absolutely correct that these government-run boodies are dens of corruption and inefficiency.[/quote]

But they should remember they are playing with lives of human

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