Libyan leader Gadaffi has been killed by rebels and NATO forces. Even though Gadaffi was a dictator and he indulged in many inhuman acts, his murder raises issue of national sovereignty and imperialist and colonial designs as well. The west are acting for primarily for oil reserves in Arab countries.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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End of another blood thirsty monster! It just shows that common people cannot be taken for granted any more, Gaddafi had it coming for decades now! Libya is now truly liberated but there should be competency among the ones who take over the reins of the country now or Libya too will go the way Afghanistan went!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This is a good news for the libyan people a ravana of libya killed then they will have a diwali now.

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Really US and its allied are focussing on some countries which they think will create problems to them in future.

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This year we have so many news as such. Killing of Osama and now Gadaffi. I think there must be some more such interesting news. This is good. Criminals have becomes worst than demons.
Its good for the people of Libya.Another dictator gone. Next killing would be of Egypt's dictator. US president has warned the yemen dictator as well that their people might him same as Gadaffi.
US need oil and will target the oil producing countries. I think Yemen would be next.

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This is really a good news.Gaddafi got his punishment for his cruality.
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