A prominent anna team member Prashant Bhushan was physically assaulted by 'Rama Sena' members in his Supreme court advocate chamber.

Prashant Bhushan expressed extreme views supporting plebiscite in Kashnir. this angered our youth. Hence, he was assaulted by extreme patriotic youth. This is how extremists behave with each other.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Yes gulshan ji i had seen in television he was hitted hardly by them.

Good news is that the both are arrested.

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it is good that they are arrested and will be kept in prison to make them teach a lesson.
it is good that they are arrested and will be kept in prison to make them teach a lesson.

The youth were doing wrong but Prashant Bhushan had made unpatriotic and anti national statement on Kashmir. Hence the youth were provoked. Prashant Bhushan is more guilty than the youth and he needs to be arrested and prosecuted for his anti national activities.

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G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree with Gulshan ji that prashant bhushan should not have done such an act.
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