anna Hazare is on second day of fast pressing for demands on Lok Pal Bill for curbing corruption. While his mission is praiseworthy, it appears that resorting to fast unto death is not so desirable.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Anna Hazare is on fast unto death. Kapil sibal says that Govt. is willing to consider the proposals but time should be allowed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

What is the difference between naxalites and Hazare brand Gandians.
Both are undemocratic. Naxalites coerce by causing violence to others. Fast unto death is passive violence against self as against active violence by Naxalites/ Maoists . The democratic process is debate, discussion, mobilizing people and using parliamentary forums and processes. Fast unto death is also a terrorist method and is not much different from Maoist

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Surprisingly, Hazare supporters demand that hazare be made chairman of Lokpal panel. It is funny that these people are using their agitation for getting post of authority in central government. The Government has rightly rejected this funny demand.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gujarat Chief Minister backs Hazare saying that Man Mohan singh is like Indira Gandhi. What a funny comparison. How can you compare a 'weak' Prime Minister to autocratic all powerful emergency villain. The BJP leaders characterize Manmohan Singh as 'weak' and now they say he is like Indira Gandhi.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


If Hazare's methods are similar to ones adopted by Maoists and Marxists then what about Gandhiji's civil disobedience movement?

If Hazare's methods are similar to ones adopted by Maoists and Marxists then what about Gandhiji's civil disobedience movement?

The same is true about Gandhi also. But this was against foreign rule.

One similarity is obvious. Swami Agnivesh is associated with Maoists and Hazare both.

Moreover, hazare's movement is not against corruption as such. This is for inclusion of non government members in Lok pal panel. His team also demanded that Hazare be made chairman of the Lok Pal panel, which the Government refused.

Here are some links on the hazare movement:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Going by the latest reports he never had the intention of being its head rather he has suggested the names of two former Supreme Court judges for the post. Now coming to your second point about this movement not being one against corruption ,then what's it !!
The Hindu Social activist Anna Hazare who began fast unto death demanding anti-corruption law with on the lines of Lokpal Bill,
Ultimately, settlement reached. Anna Hazare agrees to Pranab Mukherjee as Chairman of the Lopla committee. There are some non govt nominees including Anna Hazare. The fast ends. Happy ending.
It is reiterated that the movement was only for Lokpal panel constitution and not for any issue on corruption.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Jantar Mantar witnessed a sort of victory celebration after ending of fast by Hazare. Cheers to hazare and the jubilant gathering surrounding him.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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