A private school in this Uttar Pradesh district has "altered" the national anthem, replacing several words, and made its students sing it, as the management feels certain words in the anthem do not have any "significance in a democracy".
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I feel that it is not correct to change the national anthem. Then everybody can have their own national anthem. The school authority can't justify his statement.
This amounts to parodying the national anthem. This is unacceptable and the school management needs punishment. Anyone has the right to demand change in national anthem or any thing but cannot arbitrarily himself change.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

it was really a bad news...
why they people doing like this ..yar..
its really a shameful act by the school management, i think the school management should be punished for this..
The school authorities are behaving like fools and making themselves and students also fools..NAtional anthem is like some Hindu slogan which is offered to country instead of god..Are they changing these slogans according to their ideas saying some words are not related to god? :angry:
National antham should not be altered, according to the rights no one have such authority.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Did the government take any against against the school authority?. Friends, do you have any follow up?
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