11 years ago
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11 years ago
Very recently at about 10 AM, while reading a news paper suddenly I started hearing unbearable sounds. I know this condition is known as ‘Tinnitus’ and these noises are heard by the victim only.. It’s unbearable. Many committed suicide unable to bear the sounds.
In a panic, I searched Google for any cure for Tinnitus.
I was disappointed. There is no cure for Tinnitus. The information I got from Google search made me more panic. While bearing those terrible noises, I searched again for ‘Home remedies in Ayurveda for Tinnitus.’
Then came the moment of relief.
The answer was ‘use the extract of a small piece of onion, stain. And pour two drops of onion juice in both the ears.’
I have extracted the onion juice in a jiffy and put 2 drops in each year.
You will not believe. The terrible noises with high decibels stopped within 15 minutes to my utter relief.
While the entire so called, ,’Mainstream medicine ‘ said that there is no cure for Tinnitus, Ayurveda came up with the answer.
Anybody who doubts the efficacy of Ayurveda should think again.
Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicines and herbs it mentions have great therapeutic values. No one should have a doubt regarding its efficiency in treating ailments regardless of whether they are mild or severe form.
11 years ago
Congratulation. It is pleasure that you got quick relief. Ayurveda is ancient Indian system and is effective.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Thank you said by: rambabu
11 years ago
Very recently at about 10 AM, while reading a news paper suddenly I started hearing unbearable sounds. I know this condition is known as ‘Tinnitus’ and these noises are heard by the victim only.. It’s unbearable. Many committed suicide unable to bear the sounds.
In a panic, I searched Google for any cure for Tinnitus.
I was disappointed. There is no cure for Tinnitus. The information I got from Google search made me more panic. While bearing those terrible noises, I searched again for ‘Home remedies in Ayurveda for Tinnitus.’
Then came the moment of relief.
The answer was ‘use the extract of a small piece of onion, stain. And pour two drops of onion juice in both the ears.’
I have extracted the onion juice in a jiffy and put 2 drops in each year.
You will not believe. The terrible noises with high decibels stopped within 15 minutes to my utter relief.
While the entire so called, ,’Mainstream medicine ‘ said that there is no cure for Tinnitus, Ayurveda came up with the answer.
Anybody who doubts the efficacy of Ayurveda should think again.
Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicines and herbs it mentions have great therapeutic values. No one should have a doubt regarding its efficiency in treating ailments regardless of whether they are mild or severe form.
Ayurveda treats the roots of the disease, not the symptoms like Allopathy. It's virtue is it doesn't have side effects.
11 years ago
Very recently at about 10 AM, while reading a news paper suddenly I started hearing unbearable sounds. I know this condition is known as ‘Tinnitus’ and these noises are heard by the victim only.. It’s unbearable. Many committed suicide unable to bear the sounds.
In a panic, I searched Google for any cure for Tinnitus.
I was disappointed. There is no cure for Tinnitus. The information I got from Google search made me more panic. While bearing those terrible noises, I searched again for ‘Home remedies in Ayurveda for Tinnitus.’
Then came the moment of relief.
The answer was ‘use the extract of a small piece of onion, stain. And pour two drops of onion juice in both the ears.’
I have extracted the onion juice in a jiffy and put 2 drops in each year.
You will not believe. The terrible noises with high decibels stopped within 15 minutes to my utter relief.
While the entire so called, ,’Mainstream medicine ‘ said that there is no cure for Tinnitus, Ayurveda came up with the answer.
Anybody who doubts the efficacy of Ayurveda should think again.
It is good to know that you were relieved of your discomfort through Ayurveda .Ayurvedic medication has been time tested for centuries and has absolutely no side effects and it has a cure for almost every ailment there is....I too have tremendous faith in Ayurveda !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
Very recently at about 10 AM, while reading a news paper suddenly I started hearing unbearable sounds. I know this condition is known as ‘Tinnitus’ and these noises are heard by the victim only.. It’s unbearable. Many committed suicide unable to bear the sounds.
In a panic, I searched Google for any cure for Tinnitus.
I was disappointed. There is no cure for Tinnitus. The information I got from Google search made me more panic. While bearing those terrible noises, I searched again for ‘Home remedies in Ayurveda for Tinnitus.’
Then came the moment of relief.
The answer was ‘use the extract of a small piece of onion, stain. And pour two drops of onion juice in both the ears.’
I have extracted the onion juice in a jiffy and put 2 drops in each year.
You will not believe. The terrible noises with high decibels stopped within 15 minutes to my utter relief.
While the entire so called, ,’Mainstream medicine ‘ said that there is no cure for Tinnitus, Ayurveda came up with the answer.
Anybody who doubts the efficacy of Ayurveda should think again.
Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicines and herbs it mentions have great therapeutic values. No one should have a doubt regarding its efficiency in treating ailments regardless of whether they are mild or severe form.
Ayurveda treats the roots of the disease, not the symptoms like Allopathy. It's virtue is it doesn't have side effects.
As it treats the roots of the disease, it is a little time consuming. Thus, people have turned towards allopathy for quick results.
11 years ago
Congratulation. It is pleasure that you got quick relief. Ayurveda is ancient Indian system and is effective.
Sir, the agony I suffered for 2hours cannot be described in words. I have seen hell on earth
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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