The new land bill will facilitate easy acquisition of land for projects and better compensation to land owners. But will this also not cause diminution of land for forests and agriculture?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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All such schemes sound yummy and spicy at the time of introduction. Later none of the terms mentioned in the act will be adhered to. The compensation that the owner gets 4 times more than the market price was an ambiguity. Is an ambiguity now and will continue as an ambiguity forever. This is the reason why farmers and owners are opposing government projects. In addition to this no government is in the habit of taking the environmental factors in to consideration
This Land acquisition bill supersedes the old one which is 100 years old.
I don't have any high expectations on this land acquisition bill.
The new land bill will facilitate easy acquisition of land for projects and better compensation to land owners. But will this also not cause diminution of land for forests and agriculture?

How to stop that even land bill is not here. Its gonna happen anyways....

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
The new land bill will facilitate easy acquisition of land for projects and better compensation to land owners. But will this also not cause diminution of land for forests and agriculture?

But they said 60% landowners should agree for land transfer in a particular deal, besides they will have to pay double in urban and 4 times in suburban areas. Now the only needy ones will want to bye land.

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It is good in some ways and bad in some other ways.Earlier because of the peanuts the government was doling out as compensation farmers would hold on to their land and fight for it, now they will give it away willingly since the compensation is good and we will probably see even the little green cover that is around the cities vanishing very soon...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The new land bill will facilitate easy acquisition of land for projects and better compensation to land owners. But will this also not cause diminution of land for forests and agriculture?

You are right no one is thinking about agriculture and forests. If we used most of land for construction building and road how can we grow grains to eat. Government should be assured that irrigated land should not be aquired.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
The new land bill will facilitate easy acquisition of land for projects and better compensation to land owners. But will this also not cause diminution of land for forests and agriculture?

You are right no one is thinking about agriculture and forests. If we used most of land for construction building and road how can we grow grains to eat. Government should be assured that irrigated land should not be aquired.

Yes. this is what happening since a long time. Agriculture land and lush green pastures are being devoured by tons and tons of concrete and steel
That way any land reform bill is a double edged sword since it opens the way for profit and people are not going to sit idle with a gold mine in their hands..I have seen how in my own town almost all the paddy fields have vanished to make way for commercial complexes...even the owners are not sad at this ste of things sib=nce they received money for it even if it was not so great.The thing is ancestral land is inherited not purchased through hard work and toil...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

That way any land reform bill is a double edged sword since it opens the way for profit and people are not going to sit idle with a gold mine in their hands..I have seen how in my own town almost all the paddy fields have vanished to make way for commercial complexes...even the owners are not sad at this ste of things sib=nce they received money for it even if it was not so great.The thing is ancestral land is inherited not purchased through hard work and toil...

There is one more affect of the sudden gain on selling land. The village youth on getting heavy cash as compensation for land acquire luxury cars and spend time in drink and womanizing doing nothing. The money is finished in a few years. Then they are again useless. and penniless. .

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

That way any land reform bill is a double edged sword since it opens the way for profit and people are not going to sit idle with a gold mine in their hands..I have seen how in my own town almost all the paddy fields have vanished to make way for commercial complexes...even the owners are not sad at this ste of things sib=nce they received money for it even if it was not so great.The thing is ancestral land is inherited not purchased through hard work and toil...

There is one more affect of the sudden gain on selling land. The village youth on getting heavy cash as compensation for land acquire luxury cars and spend time in drink and womanizing doing nothing. The money is finished in a few years. Then they are again useless. and penniless. .

That is very true, there are any number of such cases...In fact in Bangalore one of the Ex mayors comes from such a category - no education, no qualification, belonging to schedule caste ( which is the greatest qualification these days ) , and got loads of money selling his land for the new devenahalli International airport and then of course it is easy to get inro politics although he knows next to nothing about anything...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

That way any land reform bill is a double edged sword since it opens the way for profit and people are not going to sit idle with a gold mine in their hands..I have seen how in my own town almost all the paddy fields have vanished to make way for commercial complexes...even the owners are not sad at this ste of things sib=nce they received money for it even if it was not so great.The thing is ancestral land is inherited not purchased through hard work and toil...

There is one more affect of the sudden gain on selling land. The village youth on getting heavy cash as compensation for land acquire luxury cars and spend time in drink and womanizing doing nothing. The money is finished in a few years. Then they are again useless. and penniless. .

That is very true, there are any number of such cases...In fact in Bangalore one of the Ex mayors comes from such a category - no education, no qualification, belonging to schedule caste ( which is the greatest qualification these days ) , and got loads of money selling his land for the new devenahalli International airport and then of course it is easy to get inro politics although he knows next to nothing about anything...

They do not know the lessons taught in school but they have learnt enough in society. They are good in understanding personalities and making links with appropriate persons. It is ability of human management and skill of influencing others that helps them. They also know how to employ and use those who have professional qualification. Many industrialists are also uneducated. But they make this up by appointing appropriate persons and utilizing them well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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