India may face worst drought this year after 1972.

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India may face worst drought this year after 1972.

Grow more trees. Probably it may help to get rain.
India may face worst drought this year after 1972.

Everywhere the drought conditions are hovering. And it's expected. Are we not responsible for these dreary conditions?
Presently the condition of vegetables grown in India has become worst. All good quality items are exported out of India. Adhere to this, inflation is killing many people. Drought will be the worst in India.
Presently the condition of vegetables grown in India has become worst. All good quality items are exported out of India. Adhere to this, inflation is killing many people. Drought will be the worst in India.

The symptoms of drought started appearing since long. And it's anybody's guess what's in store for us in the coming years. I'm sure both drought and flood conditions will be extreme.
So we should save water and grow more tress to at least reduce the extreme conditions that may happen in drought.. :blink:
India may face worst drought this year after 1972.

That is unfortunate and the pity is that the same areas get affected the worst each time showing that nothing has been done to overcome a probable drought situation in the future.Things are immediately forgotten until the next tragedy strikes and people suffer and the politicians descend like hawks to make some revenue out of the tragic situation!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

No one is taking response against trees all are clearing the trees but not planting them due to this no rains at correct time. So we ma y face worst conditions now a days.

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India may face worst drought this year after 1972.

Everywhere the drought conditions are hovering. And it's expected. Are we not responsible for these dreary conditions?

Yes we are responsible for it. We are cutting tress. Lands are changing in forest of concrete. Dark zones are increasing.
Presently the condition of vegetables grown in India has become worst. All good quality items are exported out of India. Adhere to this, inflation is killing many people. Drought will be the worst in India.

The symptoms of drought started appearing since long. And it's anybody's guess what's in store for us in the coming years. I'm sure both drought and flood conditions will be extreme.

You may be correct but I can tell you that 2014 winter season will be very adverse. Many people would die due to cold.
So we should save water and grow more tress to at least reduce the extreme conditions that may happen in drought.. :blink:

Everybody says, 'we should do this and we should do that.' Who is that WE? People think sermons are meant for others, not for them. If all of us do our bit, we would not have created this dismal picture of environmental disasters we are facing today.
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