Guys and Gals

Have you known of a certain dancing plant? :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

Have you ever watched a plant move all by itself? The “dancing plant”, also known as the telegraph plant, actually moves its leaves in jerky motions when exposed to direct sunlight, warmth or vibration – hence their reaction to music.

Its leaflets, each of which is equipped with a hinge at the base that allows it to move, rotate along an elliptical path. This plant is famous for being a favorite of Charles Darwin, and is featured in depth in his book The Power of Movement in Plants. :blink:

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Swetha Shenoy
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Wow! That's a really lovely plant! No wonder Darwin was smitten by this plant!

I found a video of this plant:

it looks beautiful too!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Sasikanth
wow looks like the Narnia movie where when the king comes, all the trees dance!!!

Swetha Shenoy
Wow I dont know up to now about this dancing plant. This is really amazing.

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All these are just like the dreams.This is very amazing plant.Yes in the movies chronicles of Narnia the plants used to move when the king approaches.Very beautiful.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I have seen this dancing plant. An amazing one.
Hmm.. Surely new thing for me, never seen this and also never heard about it. Looking great.

Heard about it before but don't know the exact details and its name etc., thanks to Sweta for giving more information.
I have also seen a plant know as Touch-me-not which may be everyone knows here. It closes if we touch it and opens again after sometime. We use to play with it and love it so much. :)
This is totally new to me. Nice information and video by Kalyani.
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