Every Flag holds a symbolic significance for the nation and have complex meanings ingrained into their designs.

India's flag called as the “tiranga” “tricolor” in Hindi.

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It's are our national symbols,those reminds the History of that time when they choose the design of flag.
Salutes to the Tiranga first. And thanks to you too. You have given me a good idea to write an article through that link you provided. I hope to post that article here itself. I hope it should be alright.
Salutes to the Tiranga first. And thanks to you too. You have given me a good idea to write an article through that link you provided. I hope to post that article here itself. I hope it should be alright.

Why not" Shoot ahead. All the best.
Thank you said by: Abhijit Dnyaneshwar Bangal
Saffron colour in our country flag denotes 'Sacrifice'. We should remember our freedom fighters. without their sacrifices, interdependence would not have been possible.

White denotes peace and green denotes prosperity.

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Born to express, not to impress.
True. That's what the colour code says signifying the symbolism behind the "TRI Colour."
Great link !!! Thanks. Our country's flag color and meaning is known to most of us, but it is good link that containing information about other country's flag as well.

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
Salutes to the Tiranga first. And thanks to you too. You have given me a good idea to write an article through that link you provided. I hope to post that article here itself. I hope it should be alright.

Why not" Shoot ahead. All the best.

I am penning the article at the moment as a rough draft. I am just ideas on what to expand later. Once done, I will start writing it here immediately, most probably today itself.
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