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So roasting is the first process of cooking and continuing still now by man.

Of course. when you do not know cooking and first time see fire, what will you do. You can only warm yourself and the food. You warm the raw meat. This is called roasting. Boiling comes later. You put the eatable in water and boil.

It was very late when man came to know about fire. Man used to eat raw food before knowing about fire. How struggle they had to do in early days as I can feel how difficult is to eat everything raw. :blink: :evil:
That was not an issue what he ate because there was nothing in particular but natural commodities available to him. He ate whatever he could laid his hands on and found worth eating.

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Hi Mala Jaiswar I am agree with you a early man should eat more fruits and vegetables for the better health and fitness.
These are the natural foods which provide the natural foods elements which protect us from various health coplication.
So roasting is the first process of cooking and continuing still now by man.

Before invention of fire, man could have eaten raw leaves, vegetables and raw flesh. After invention of fire, they could have started cooking.

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Robert you are right. Early man was not at all developed. He became wise when he invented fire and wheel.
Early man had to struggle a lot in search of food.So whatever they get in front of them they just eat those food.

Sharmistha Banerjee
So roasting is the first process of cooking and continuing still now by man.

Of course. when you do not know cooking and first time see fire, what will you do. You can only warm yourself and the food. You warm the raw meat. This is called roasting. Boiling comes later. You put the eatable in water and boil.

Gulshan jI but in our child hood days it was told that man eat raw food after knowing about fire he cooks.

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