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12 years ago
I never did jumping in muddy water. But used to watch if other children are jumping in muddy water.
Me too!!! :blink:
But I have watched my younger brother doing so. ...also the surf excel ad :woohoo:
But seeing this thread and reading your posts, I feel like missing something :whistle:
I should have done it in my childhood :( :(
Let me tell one thing....my daughter really love it.
Water is her weakness!!!! ;)
If we walk through road in a rainy season, it's sure we can see a lot of pits filled with water. When we two try not to put our feet in water, she tries maximum to avoid it...i.e. She loves to walk through water.
Seeing this, i will stare at her with my big eyes :laugh: :laugh:
Try it with your kids some day. Then they will look at you with big eyes. :blink: :woohoo:
ha ha :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :laugh: :laugh:
Then she will think I have given her full permit license :silly:
:blink: :blink: :blink: full permit license?. :blink: :blink: :blink:
She will be extremely happy to know that she has found a companion to play in mud. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
12 years ago
Jumping in the muddy water in child hood during rainy season was just a great fun.When I was a child I used to jumping those dirty water but now I realize that those water are so harmful.
Some times it becomes mandatory to jump in the muddy water, you know some of the areas are low lying and while you cross through there you have to do that without intention.
12 years ago
Jumping in the muddy water in child hood during rainy season was just a great fun.When I was a child I used to jumping those dirty water but now I realize that those water are so harmful.
Some times it becomes mandatory to jump in the muddy water, you know some of the areas are low lying and while you cross through there you have to do that without intention.
hahaha :laugh: ..it happens most of the time in Rain in Delhi on road. Sometimes we are forced to go from the water gathered on the road as there is no other way to reach destination then. :evil:
12 years ago
Jumping in the muddy water in child hood during rainy season was just a great fun.When I was a child I used to jumping those dirty water but now I realize that those water are so harmful.
Some times it becomes mandatory to jump in the muddy water, you know some of the areas are low lying and while you cross through there you have to do that without intention.
hahaha :laugh: ..it happens most of the time in Rain in Delhi on road. Sometimes we are forced to go from the water gathered on the road as there is no other way to reach destination then. :evil:
And if you come to my nearby city most of the old area is very low lying and with famous nallah flowing. So as soon as it rains there is nothing but slit on the roads. Two wheeler is such a risky then that you may land in nullah itself. :evil:
12 years ago
Jumping in the muddy water in child hood during rainy season was just a great fun.When I was a child I used to jumping those dirty water but now I realize that those water are so harmful.
Some times it becomes mandatory to jump in the muddy water, you know some of the areas are low lying and while you cross through there you have to do that without intention.
During rainy season one can never be sure.I too remember how as children the large pool of muddy water looked very attractive and I used to love getting into rice fields filled with muddy water where your feet and legs sank until the knees and someone had to pull you out , but now I cant even dream of stepping into one unless there is no other go...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
In Mathura Vrindavan region, playing with mud is also a form of celebration in Holi.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
Mud is still tolerable but what about the slit, tearing out clothes, canes and stones. That becomes free for all in Mathura and surrounding areas. I keep myself inside to avoid such players.
12 years ago
Mud is still tolerable but what about the slit, tearing out clothes, canes and stones. That becomes free for all in Mathura and surrounding areas. I keep myself inside to avoid such
Lath maar Holi is famous in nand Gaon and Barsana. The women beat men with Lathis. Men may only protect themselves but cannot retaliate. This is also a fun. For me, mud and slit are not tolerable. Stoning is also bad. But caning is also tolerable. However, no woman will beat an old man.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
Mud is still tolerable but what about the slit, tearing out clothes, canes and stones. That becomes free for all in Mathura and surrounding areas. I keep myself inside to avoid such
Lath maar Holi is famous in nand Gaon and Barsana. The women beat men with Lathis. Men may only protect themselves but cannot retaliate. This is also a fun. For me, mud and slit are not tolerable. Stoning is also bad. But caning is also tolerable. However, no woman will beat an old man.
None looks old or young once covered with so much mud or color. Besides Bhang in Thandai takes away all the vision and sense.
12 years ago
Mud is still tolerable but what about the slit, tearing out clothes, canes and stones. That becomes free for all in Mathura and surrounding areas. I keep myself inside to avoid such
Lath maar Holi is famous in nand Gaon and Barsana. The women beat men with Lathis. Men may only protect themselves but cannot retaliate. This is also a fun. For me, mud and slit are not tolerable. Stoning is also bad. But caning is also tolerable. However, no woman will beat an old man.
None looks old or young once covered with so much mud or color. Besides Bhang in Thandai takes away all the vision and sense.
I have never been to Vrindavan in those days and I never wish to when I see ladies on TV beating men with laths.In villages too people still play Holi with dungs,mud,sewage water and they still enjoy it. :laugh:
But I feel tough to go from the water logging road in rainy days in most of the cases I avoid going out of the house even sometimes I delay the urgent works too for it. :laugh:
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