Do the rich differ only because they have more wealth?

This is wrong. They think differently.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Strange but true!!!! :unsure: :unsure:
This shows how everything can be seen through positive eyes

I really loved reading this article. Thank you for sharing.

Meera sandhu
No richness is not always the wealth.One can be rich in their thoughts,in their look and appearance.One richness is also judged by their character.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Excluding worst and criminals, rich people has scope of good education and earning facilities. It is the money which can clear many ways out in this era. People who are rich by heart have tendency to do something for the needy peoples. They work for the welfare and social benefits of the masses.
Strange but true!!!! :unsure: :unsure:
This shows how everything can be seen through positive eyes

I really loved reading this article. Thank you for sharing.

The real thing is that circumstances change the way you think. Thoughts follow your circumstances. A factory worker will definitely think different from the manager. There is a tendency to consider others devil and self an angel. This is psychological. Hence poor thinks that money is cause of all evils whereas the rich believes that poverty is cause of evil. Both the notions are partly true. If you have no money, you may turn to evil for getting money. If you have excess money, you may turn to evil by misusing this.

But one thing is obvious. The rich are more practical and not day dreamer like poor. But this may also be reason why they are rich.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Strange but true!!!! :unsure: :unsure:
This shows how everything can be seen through positive eyes

I really loved reading this article. Thank you for sharing.

The real thing is that circumstances change the way you think. Thoughts follow your circumstances. A factory worker will definitely think different from the manager. There is a tendency to consider others devil and self an angel. This is psychological. Hence poor thinks that money is cause of all evils whereas the rich believes that poverty is cause of evil. Both the notions are partly true. If you have no money, you may turn to evil for getting money. If you have excess money, you may turn to evil by misusing this.

But one thing is obvious. The rich are more practical and not day dreamer like poor. But this may also be reason why they are rich.

yes....those persons who are able to work hard to carry forward their dreams can only become rich. It may be for money, status or even love :)

Meera sandhu
Strange but true!!!! :unsure: :unsure:
This shows how everything can be seen through positive eyes

I really loved reading this article. Thank you for sharing.

The real thing is that circumstances change the way you think. Thoughts follow your circumstances. A factory worker will definitely think different from the manager. There is a tendency to consider others devil and self an angel. This is psychological. Hence poor thinks that money is cause of all evils whereas the rich believes that poverty is cause of evil. Both the notions are partly true. If you have no money, you may turn to evil for getting money. If you have excess money, you may turn to evil by misusing this.

But one thing is obvious. The rich are more practical and not day dreamer like poor. But this may also be reason why they are rich.

yes....those persons who are able to work hard to carry forward their dreams can only become rich. It may be for money, status or even love :)

I have another viewpoint. If you work for money, you may nit get this. But if you constantly increase your skill and love your work for its own sake, money will flow in. Many feel that work is its own reward. If you like your work- may be business, profession or anything else- you will work more time and feel no fatigue. consequently, you will get more money.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Every one wants to be rich in this world.And many of them are rich also.But richness is not of wealth.Ones richness is its beauty its nature and also its behavior.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Every one wants to be rich in this world.And many of them are rich also.But richness is not of wealth.Ones richness is its beauty its nature and also its behavior.

One may be 'rich' in spheres other than wealth. But this thread is about money only. There are many who get wealth by inheritance. This is insignificant. Significant are those who earn money with their own talent and efforts. I believe that if you constantly upgrade your skill, love your work and consequently put best efforts, money follows. If you run after money, this will run away. If you love your job, money will also get attracted to you.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One has to have the right attitude and a certain amount of courage and may be even take a few risks to go forward with what they think is right for their growth and clarity of vision.Even to multiply and hold on to what one inherits is a difficult task and needs a lot of skill because most people dont realise the value of money esp when they get it without having worked for it.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

People with lots of dream in their eyes and have the courage to fulfill their dreams are only rich.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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