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13 years ago
Why mostly boy propose to girl first ? What your views in this regards.
Who said Boys proposed the girls? I was proposed by a Girl before one year. :P
So,it happens.
You are lucky yaar. After that what happened?
13 years ago
Gens have the talent of expressing them quickly. I think that is the reason for it.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
We cant say as mostly boys propose to girls. In this modern world anything will happen. :P :laugh: :)
13 years ago
sunil it is due to the society. If a girl propose a boy people speak badly but if a boy propose a girl then people say he is hero.
but now both have been equal in this modern world
I agree, every one has equal right to propose. Why should boys have all the fun?
13 years ago
but in most cases boys only propose because girls are shyful.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Mostly boys propose to girl because they are in hurry... no patience.. Now a days their approach is just like attempting an optional question in exam. . if one option is not fitting in... second is there.... and so on... :dry: :dry:
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
13 years ago
I am lucky because that was other way round in my case, my father in law came to propose on her behalf. :P :P
13 years ago
Gens have the talent of expressing them quickly. I think that is the reason for it.
Very nice answer :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I am lucky because that was other way round in my case, my father in law came to propose on her behalf. :P :P
So for your marriage, there is no hard work from your side. That's Great!! :)
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
13 years ago
I am lucky because that was other way round in my case, my father in law came to propose on her behalf. :P :P
So for your marriage, there is no hard work from your side. That's Great!! :)
haha I was lucky, I did not have to pay any dowry also. :laugh: :laugh:
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