It has been revealed in a recent report people who are happier live longer. So, all the while you were told that laughing is good for health, it was actually true. It is obvious that people, who have stress and anxiety on their shoulders all the time, will tend to catch diseases early in life, and this will lead to reducing their life expectancy.

This is why it is essential to stay happy in life and go with the stride. This will not just change a person’s mood, but his/her entire life.
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Yes, it is really important to have a happy frame of mind. It gives a positive feel and makes your life all the more positive. A happy individual also makes the others as well as the family as a whole a very healthy family.
Pinakin you are right Live with a smile and let live others with a smile.
Actually seriousness makes people look older by 5-10 years. I just keep smiling. I love joking. I am never serious. I think a follow the laughing therapy. I feel better.
Modern life style and hectic work schedules has someway snatched peace and happiness from us but it doesn't mean we should limit ourselves from being happy. We should laugh whole heatedly and try to be happy whenever we get a chance to do so and in this way we are not only helping ourselves but also the people around us to be in a happy mood...!
well said Mr. Ram . "Keep smile and make smile on other faces also".
Ram Prosad

It is Laugh not Lough

Please correct it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Laughing makes life extend.This is true live happily by laughing.

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Yes it is true. i try to keep myself happy and others too.thanks for sharing
If you are laughing automatically the atmosphere will change and all will be happy.

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laughing is the one of the important gift given by god to all so keep smile always to best use of it.
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