Here is an in depth analysis of anna movement. This is getting more political and is not just an anti corruption movement as made out. I fact, most of ana team members are involved in financial irregularities of various types.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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In Malayalam I read an essay similar to this.These all are some dramas only.

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Day by day everything is linked with politics and without doubt this movement is also political.
absolutely this movement is to get political advantage and to get importance of individual.
Paradoxically, team anna has become team anarchy. The agenda of the team is to create anarchy in nation in name of fighting corruption and electoral reforms. But in the process, the team itself suffers from infighting, accusations and counter accusations of funds misappropriation and irregularities. It is so necessary to bring NGOs also including anna movement in proposed Lok Pal jurisdiction as hinted by Honorable P.N.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Annaji always say that he don't want to join politics. Still whatever is happening is nothing but politics. He is indirectly taking part in it.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Now anna is unabashedly supporting his team members' irregularities. He has coined a phrase- Gang of four-. He says gang of four is defaming his team. He is silent on the identity of so called gang of four. It appears he got the phrase- gang of four' from Chinese events in sixties.

By retrospection, Anna may find that his own team- Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi, Prashant Bhushan and Kumar Vishwas are gang of four.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The Anna movement was a new chapter in the history of India. People from all walks of life came together to fight against corruption. We saw an unprecidented support for the Anna movement. But what now?

It is reported that few of the team members are not what they are supposed to be. They have made some financial irregularities.

Another part is regarding the movement getting political. I think what started as a people's movement is not taking the shape of a political movement. If Anna Hazare really want to mobilise the people again, he should stay away from politics and concentrate on the subject of corruption. He is a very honest and hardworking man but is surrounded by people who are politically motivated. He should in fact take total control of the movement instead of giving in to these people.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Anna is seemingly a very honest person and is a saintly figure. However, he or his own NGO have been given notice by supreme court regarding many irregularities. Other anna team members are now better known for irregularities and hypocrisy.

We are all for removing corruption. we can do so by getting rid of individualistic approach and being nationalist. We do not need the hypocrite Anna team to guide us how to remove corruption. Also, corruption is not the only issue. The biggest issue is unemployment and poverty that need more stress on quality education, skill and employment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now team anna is on way to dissolution. Team memebr Kumar Vishwas suggested dissolution that is likely to be accepted.

Ironically, Kumar Vishwas is facing suspension for irregular absence from his college where he is appointed as lecturer. Not satisfied with his own suspension, he is instrumental in suspending his entire team. Let us hope that the anna team will suspend the activities of creating chaos, disorder, lawlessness, blackmail and anarchy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

To avoid controversy, Anna team is returning money received for the campaign. It is also decided to make rules for the team as it is felt that team cannot afford anarchy within own ranks though they may put nation to chaos, disorder and anarchy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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