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I get most news online and also some from newspaper. Newspaper is mainly for local news.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are many means to get the news....
These days, all the news papers turned online.... We can search all the newspapers online to get worldwide news.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I mostly get news from Online. Newspaper and television for local news.
I mostly get news from online and television rather than other sources.
I access all sources of information. These days internet editions of all newspapers are readily available!
Actually I get my news mostly from television and internet and if I left out something then I get briefed by the radio fm channels...
I think for fast and live information online and Television are best sources though newspaper is most preferred way by many.
i collect all my news from a souce like newspaper and from television.
I daily like to read newspaper. I see news in t.V. Sometimes i used to see news from online paper.

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Newspapers provide greater depth and coverage and for quick updates I depend on net and news channels.
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