my article is not getting approved or disapproved from many days
i am very worried
what will happen?
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..
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I think this time all editors are not much active even I am not much active for editing work due to less availability of time but keep patient it will review soon.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Dont worry ,if it is rejected they would have mentioned it.It takes time t get reviewed.Soon it will be done.
Wait for This sunday...I think it will be give You result ..means approve or disapprove .....
i think it generally takes time for the editors to review the articles..
Whatever article i fetch till date all edited by me. in my account no pending article coming so i think your articles reviewed.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Whatever article i fetch till date all edited by me. in my account no pending article coming so i think your articles reviewed.

Great job by Santosh Kumar Singh, hope other editors also do their best so that approval time gets reduced..
I may not edit on some busy working day but Sunday I can do editing job well. I will try to do my best.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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