
On the subject titled in the thread,the great philosopher Aristotle commented:"All human actions have one or more of these causes:chance,nature,compulsions,habit,reason,passion,desire."

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I agree that all the things are necessary for performing any action..Thanks for sharing...
From the findings of Aristotle it can be understood that retreating towards basics provides newer threads of thought.He has been proved wrong many a time in his observations but it's no mean job to make the first observations. Realising the presence of a mystery at some point only motivates others to
dive deeper for the clues.
In this thread,the one under discussion, his observation is so basic that it compels one to think deeply.The inner traits of mankind indicated by his excellecy are really the ones required for action.No gainsaying that.
Excellent thread Mr. Mukherjee!
Good Morning to all of you! Thanks Rajani and Rajesh for your well-reasoned views.Let us see what others have to say on this!
Motion is law of nature. all living things move. Static position is death. Movement is life. Hence nobody remains idle. The involuntary movements like breathing, blood circulation, respiration go on automatically. Nobody can remain idle owing to sheer instinct. If you do not do useful job, you will play cards, gossip idly or roam about. If nothing else, you will just indulge in mischievous thoughts. It is well said- an idle man's brain is devil's workshop.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think aristotle has very rationally listed the causes which act as prime movers behind all human actions and it's quite possible that there might be play of several causes behind a single act or overlapping of them!
[quote]I think aristotle has very rationally listed the causes which act as prime movers behind all human actions and it's quite possible that there might be play of several causes behind a single act or overlapping of them! [/quote]

You have managed to put it in a nutshell what he meant by this quote!!

Also, not forgetting Newton's Third Law of Motion, to every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction!! Therefore, many, correction- most of our acts are a reaction to something!!
7_9_10-20101026.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)


Now you are in a philosophical mode!!!
HA HA HA!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Caught the philosophical bug from you!! I owe it to you!
laughsq-20101026.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Even the bug moves so philosophically! Seems moving fast but not in a hurry!!!
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