AR Rahman apologised as the CWG tune was not up to the mark.

The anthem was tested on the younger generation, and not all ages. We tested it on a lot of nationalities, but for some reason, people did not like it and it became a huge controversy," Rahman told NDTV.
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Yes,it is true that the song "India bula liya" feel short of expectations.But it OK.Sometimes it happens. :) :)
He did owe an apology! After all such a mediocre tune does not warrant asking for 5 crore rupees!! actually there are much much better composers than Rahman who could have given a better tune that truly identifies with and is signature Indian music!

Inceidentally, Nagalakshmi you have posted the same topic twice, it would be better if you could edit the second post!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I do not think any one should apologize for any achievement that is not satisfactory to all. As long as you do your best, this is okay. The CWG tune was approved by commonwealth Committee. The najor responsibility is of those who approved the tune.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I too agree with kalyani that there are many mind blowing compositions of AR Rahman and this one is average when compared to it...However if it is test and people didnt like it..why did nt they tried something else...
As Gulshan says it's more important to give one's best shot than regretting or being apologetic about it later!
Thats good attitude from Rahman, he is a good hearted guy..
There will be hikes and lows in a life.If all music hits the top it will not have value.

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I could not find similar posts on this topic.Have I given the same title with the same content?.Please help me in finding it out. :)
Now it is not here! It must have been taken off!
Nagalakshmi i too noticed it but may be most answered thread is only kept and other one is removed.. :)
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