The world's highest water-treatment plant built at Qamdo in Tibet will officially commence its operations this month.

The plant built at a cost of USD 14.95 million will serve 640,000 people of Qamdo and is the first modern water-treatment plant in Tibet, which has a population of 2.8 million....

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This plant was completed and put into trial operation in 2008. Since then it has treated 4.58 million cubic meters of sewage water and 1,575 tonnes of sludge with a daily sewage treating capacity of 7,000 tonnes.... :)

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Treatment of water is done for different purposes and there are water treatment plants serving different applications. Here is a brief discussion.

here r some benefits of Wastewater Treatment
The most common application of a water treatment plant is to treat the waste water collected from homes, industries and many other sources. In order to make the waste water reusable, it is treated to remove physical, radioactive, chemical and biological pollutants. Sewage treatment and sludge treatment are the two most popular sub-types of wastewater purification plants.

A decentralized wastewater plant is another common facility in this category. The water treated at this facility is reused for landscape irrigation and toilet flush supply.

Surface Water Treatment
A surface water treatment process is used to make surface water fit for municipal applications. Suspended impurities, colloidal matter and organic components are removed through processes like sedimentation, aeration, screening, disinfection and sand filtration.
I think it is really something new..Thanks for sharing Deepti and Shilpa
Yes,This is a new topic on water treatment in the forum.Thanks shilpa and Deepti for sharing the news. :) :)
This water treatment proved to be successful.
Before the trial operation, sewage water was discharged directly into the rivers.
The plant will undoubtedly improve the natural environment and the quality of life.. :) :)

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wow its so geart we too can build bigger plant than in tibet and make it world famous ......what u say guys.........
Yes, if that was a great success in can be in India too.. but hope our politicians do not eat all the money and say that it's not usccessful here for some reason...

Nice and informative info...


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