India will host its first Formula One race on Oct. 30 next year if a circuit under construction in the New Delhi region meets criteria.

The Federation Internationale de l’Automobile, which oversees Formula One and other car racing series, extended the schedule to 20 races to include the India race, according to a statement on its website.

The FIA said it rejected “a number of” applications by groups wishing to enter new Formula One teams in 2011 and 2012 because they didn’t meet requirements.
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Thanks for sharing it! In West Bengal one such track was supposed to come up but I don't know its current status.
i think good news for Indian formula one fans... :)
Formula-1 will be a good kind of craze for India and Indians.We have lots of speed frenzy drivers in India and specially in Delhi.
It's no doubt very exciting to watch.When these facilities are created I am sure it would catch the imagination of our youth.
thats a great news.. but the check point is "if the circuit meets the criteria" and will it be ready?????? million dollar question after seeing CWG problems.
That is good improvement in India and shows signs of development
This is a very proud news this will bring lots of employment for all the Indian sports and supporting staff for this sports.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Karthikeyan hit the road on the back of Indian sponsorship reportedly worth 10 million dollars.

The 29-year-old did not race in 2006 but is signed up with Williams as a test driver.

Indian business tycoon Vijay Mallya stated earlier this month that he was determined to bring a Formula One race to his country after confirming he had bought a 50 percent stake in the Spyker team.

Millions of Indians watch F1 on television, often with the same passion they reserve for the country's most popular sport - cricket.
Now the question is whether we can meet the rigorous standars that these tracks require.It entails huge investment too.

dreams,we spend our half of life in dreaming and rest in making them true. Hope it will
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