my articles are marked as approved but no points or cash credits showns and status shows pending approval plz help me and tell me why its happening
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Hi priyank!

welcome to boddunan!

Well it will take one or two days to add cash credits to your article. be patient. Surely boddunan team will look into it. still if it is not added send a private message to maverick!
Sajee is right have patience you will surely get the rewards.

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There is to type of approval one from editor second from moderator. So moderator decide cash for your article after editor review.

Santosh Kumar Singh


It is the common problem experienced by new bees.Actually credit comes after some delay like lightning comes first followed by thunder!!Be patient friend.

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Welcome PRIYANK GALA to boddunan..please wait for two day for approving anything except forums as it will take time for approve :)
Be patient dude, it will take a couple of days for urs to get credited.
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