I got 11 awards in one week.

Thanks for your support guys. Hope this will be my last month as an active member here in boddunan.

I want to finish this month with top revenue share award by taking more than 10,000 points.

hope i would achieve that!!
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Congratulations for winning 11 awards in one week Sajeetharan. You deserve it for your contribution to the forum.

I wish you all the very best to win the Top Revenue Share award

In case this is the last month of your active participation in this forum, we will definitely miss you sir...Wish you Good luck for your future.
11 Gold Medals in a week. You have created a RECORD at Boddunan Olympics. :laugh:

I think no body has won 11 records in just one week.

Keep it up. Continue this to the next week also.

All the best.

You are very very very very very very very......... ACTIVE member of Boddunan.
:woohoo: :woohoo:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.

Congratulations Sajee, for setting a new record! Amazing performance, keep it up!! You are the new rocking star!! :) :) :) :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

11 awards in a week is really a great thing...........yes no one has achieved this award...........hope you would win top revenue share award too.

congratulations sajeetharan..........very good going...
11 awards in a single week.... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

really great Sajee...keep it up!!
Amazing..,Congratulations for winning 11 awards in one week Sajeetharan. You deserve it..

Keep sharing and All the very best for your future
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Very good performance.So it is the going to be the last flaming?You will get Boddunan in Srilanka also.Why you should go inactive then?

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Thanks guys..without your support i would not have achieved this..and from next month will be busy. will be in touch with boddunan..
Congratulations sajee, really rocking performance. We will miss u man.. Anyway have a wonderful year and best of luck for ur Revenue Share hunt.
That is really a great acheivment Sajee but we miss your very much.. :( B)

Hope to see you soon...
all the best and congrats

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