Hello Friends, i also got my T-Shirt Today..

Today more than half day i used that T-shirt. It was looking very good on me.. I will upload m,my pic as soon as possible...
abc.JPG (You do not have access to download this file.)
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Congratulations Lohit, My wishes to you. Keep doing your good work here and get more rewards.
wow congratulations..!!!!!!! :whistle:
I think you are the 5th person getting T-shirt. :cheer: :cheer:
congrats Lohit..

You have done areally good work.

And u deserve it..
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Heartiest Congratulations Lohit..

You deserve this..

Keep Giving your best here..

Aastha Gupta

how come you in online at this time? usually i dont see
Congrats Lohit on getting your T-Shirt reward from boddunan.Keep going like this and i know that tomorrow you will upload the photo..
Thanks jasmeet.
Hai Lohit. Congrats. Hope to see you posting your images here. :) :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
ya sure mam.. thanks.
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