As you all know that some of invaluable treasures like Koh-i-Noor diamond and the Birmingham Buddha were stolen away by invaders and no longer with us.Do you think that the government should take fresh initiatives to bring those precious treasures back to the country?
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forget it man. We all know the case of lord of tippusultan. The mallayya has to pay for it at the christies Indian politicians dont have the will the to claim any of our past glories
Yes i agree with Shalu. Our politicians does not have interest in these things. They have only time to think of election,votes,corruption etc.

Many idols of Gods from temples have been stolen in the past. Do you think without the support of atleast one employee in the temple, these things are possible?
It is okay to take such initiatives. But this is not a matter of paramount importance. The government should concentrate more on serving the people and solving the problem of food, shelter, basic facilities and employment for the masses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan,you have prioritized the primary responsibilities of the government very well but how the primacy loses its importance in relation to its responsibilities in protecting our cultural heritage.Although the scope for disagreement on this is always there.
Chinmoy- The concerned countries where the 'treasures' exist may also have some reasons to claim these. We may have to continue never ending controversy with them. Wherever, feasible, we may get back our treasures. Otherwise, we should not make big issue of these.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes this is the primary job of law enforcement agencies. If they are not doing it they should be reminded.

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Gulshan, I do treat it as a big issue from a historical perspective.Here is the update on this issue.India is one of the leading countries which has been endeavouring to amend a convention aimed at banning the export or ownership of stolen antiquities.Once this move succeeds we may be able to bring those precious treaures back as most of them found their way into some government museums.
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