With summer, mineral water bottle needs also increases, but be careful while buying mineral water at bus stands and railway stations. Check that they are sealed properly and the bottle is clean. Few vendors, fillup ordinary water into bottles and pass them off as mineral water bottles.

Also, crush the bottles after use, so that they cannot be used again..
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It is better to check the date of packaging also. The best way is to take water in a bottle from our house itself.

Yes..... This cheating happens at bus stands a lot..... Thanks for reminding and giving us a hint Sridevi.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Meean wrote:
[quote]It is better to check the date of packaging also. The best way is to take water in a bottle from our house itself.[/quote]

I support this and follows this always.

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Yes, Sridevi, you have rose and alerted us with a very good point. Even it is limelighted now a days that packaged drinking water is containing a special type of virus hbf(high bone fever) which infects the bones of the body, so better everybody should be alert.

Aastha Gupta
This awareness is necessary. Me and my family and friends always crush the bottles and throw it away so that they cannot be reused at all.

Also many people have the bad habit of selling the empty plastic bottles to scrap vendors which is absolutely wrong should be avoided.

Thanks Sridevi for bringing this topic to light.

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even the water mafia is innovative in recycling.Packaging is done in such a way that you can't distinguish between the original and the fake one.

:( :( :(
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