15 years ago
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15 years ago
Who is Ram Dev Baba?
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
Maverick DOnt you Know Ram dev BAba?
How is it possible?
How is it possible?
15 years ago
Yes, I like Sri Ramdev baba's mission. Any one can visit this site to know the details before coming to a conclusion.
Sridhar Kesireddy
Sridhar Kesireddy
15 years ago
Soubhagya, Unfortunately I don't know him till today because I never shown interest in Yoga.
Thanks Sridhar for the link and Thanks Soubhagya for for posting this topic.
Thanks Sridhar for the link and Thanks Soubhagya for for posting this topic.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
He is a yog guru ,who teaches us yoga
not only his shivirs but also providing us live telecast on astha channel.
I learn yoga through watching his telecast on tv.
He is a yog guru ,who teaches us yoga
not only his shivirs but also providing us live telecast on astha channel.
I learn yoga through watching his telecast on tv.
15 years ago
Baba Ram Deva is a Yoga specialist. He manages a trust at Haridwar (Utranchal) in the name and style 'Patanjali Yoga Peeth". The Yoga taught by him is not only physical but also has an element of Hindu religion. He claims that Yoga can cure many diseases only case of critical illness. But his claims are refuted by medical profession. He performs Yoga exercises on some T.V. channels. Some have great reverence for him. It is okay to watch his sermons and performance and follow his advice if suitable in individual cases. Personally, I do not follow his way. For me daily walking and activeness in work is enough. Besides, I cannot agree his advice on total vegetarian food. Non vegetarian food suits many and there is no medical opinion against non vegetarian food.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
15 years ago
Hello soubhagya das,
I honor the feelings of those who have belief in Ramdev Baba. Nevertheless, I do not believe on any Baba whomsoever. As far as exercises are concerned I do believe that for learning Yoga the instructor need not be a baba or swamy.
I do not want to make any negative comment just to avoid hurting feelings of my fellow members. Yet, I believe that the era of babas and swamys has gone. We need to be more scientific rather than being followers of spiritual gurus.
- Harish Jharia
I honor the feelings of those who have belief in Ramdev Baba. Nevertheless, I do not believe on any Baba whomsoever. As far as exercises are concerned I do believe that for learning Yoga the instructor need not be a baba or swamy.
I do not want to make any negative comment just to avoid hurting feelings of my fellow members. Yet, I believe that the era of babas and swamys has gone. We need to be more scientific rather than being followers of spiritual gurus.
- Harish Jharia
Harish Jharia
15 years ago
Dear Harish I also want to give the name of the person who brought this yoga concept to our mind or else I know that yoga is present in India since last 5000 years ago.
Thats why I have mentioned Ram Dev Baba's ame
Thats why I have mentioned Ram Dev Baba's ame
15 years ago
I totally agree. It is astonishing that even the highly educated go to Babas and tantriks. Our way must be rational and scientific.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
15 years ago
Hello friends,
Thanks for being so practical.
- Harish Jharia
Thanks for being so practical.
- Harish Jharia
Harish Jharia
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