Hello Boddunan members, those who are article writers on Boddunan must implement this. Now i am also one of the Boddunan editors.

I am reviewing articles from a near about 15 days of some members of Boddunan. And one drawback i am seeing from a lot of time in all articles that there is no proper formatting.

Everybody is just writing, and submitting the content. In 99% articles there is no pictures, no proper font, no proper headings. Why Boddunan provides you a very effective article editor, this is for you all to make easy for you to write a very nice article with a beautiful looks.
But no one is on Boddunan who can give a proper shape & nice looks with good content.

In some article content have broken lines and in some articles there is no space in lines & paragraphs which makes article hard to understand & read.

There is a various kind of fonts and picture borders and size of words are provided. But no one is using why, can't you all give time 10 minutes more at your article to give it a proper shape, size and looks.

If your article is easy readable, understandable and good looks with good content, then automatically readers of your article with increase.

Be a good article writer. I just noticed that members have motive to earn money. So, They are just giving content. So many members write in forums that they are not getting right cash credits for article, this is due to this mistake which you all are doing.
I am giving you examples of some article, but this means not I am point that a particular article writer. This is for all. I am just giving examples.





There is no bold heading, lines are not equal, some articles links are not properly added.

Left align, right align, middle align. no body is using Boddunan editor properly.

See This article proper format. I always give a proper shape to my article.






In these article, you can see, fonts, headings, picture every thing is here. So article is very easy readable.

Maverick, this is not going good. I think you must be strict regarding article formatting.

Just cut the cash credits if article is have a proper format and headings. Or give a proper job to an editor or assign an editor for giving a proper shape to that article.

If the article is bad formatted, then give Rs 7 or Rs 5 at the place of Rs 10 for that article and give that cut cash credits of Rs 3 or Rs 5 or more to that article shape maker editor.

Maverick i also need suggession from your side also.

I hope there will be a positive response from you all members.

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Great Job Lohit.
I think properly maintain and written article can bring more traffic to our site
Hey Lohit,
First of all, Congrats on becoming EDITOR. So Mr. Editor, really you have done a remarkable job, this post will really teach those who just go on writing the article but don't see in formatting it. This too is equally important, it can add more values to the articles, and make your content look more beautiful and attractive content is easily readable.

Well, Great Job!
Boddunan Members, please read this post, This is really beneficial

Aastha Gupta
Lohit Thanks for your advice on writing good and presentable articles. But leave this to editors to decide points and cash. Pictures and diagrams should be inserted where necessary to make the article more intelligible. But these are not essential. Good title, sub titles and paragraphing is indeed necessary. There nust be proper sequence.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


Completely agree with you regarding formatting. Boddunan Article Editor is infact a much sophisticated and advanced content editor available and has a lot of tools that you can use to write the best looking content.

In fact, I was pointing this out since beginning but I was not successful in educating the members to use the features available :( .

And I agree to the point that there should be less credits given to the articles which are poorly formatted or have no formatting at all. However, as Gulshan said, adding images or other tools is with the sole discretion of the article writer.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
[quote]Lohit Thanks for your advice on writing good and presentable articles. But leave this to editors to decide points and cash. Pictures and diagrams should be inserted where necessary to make the article more intelligible. But these are not essential. Good title, sub titles and paragraphing is indeed necessary. There nust be proper sequence.[/quote]

I am agree with you pics are not necessary but it can create some more efficiency and look. Everything is needed. And headings, sub headings are must.
soubhagya das wrote:
[quote]Great Job Lohit.
I think properly maintain and written article can bring more traffic to our site[/quote]

thanks soubhagya das.
aastha wrote:
[quote]Hey Lohit,
First of all, Congrats on becoming EDITOR. So Mr. Editor, really you have done a remarkable job, this post will really teach those who just go on writing the article but don't see in formatting it. This too is equally important, it can add more values to the articles, and make your content look more beautiful and attractive content is easily readable.

Well, Great Job!
Boddunan Members, please read this post, This is really beneficial[/quote]

Thanks aastha. I know your thinking and my thinking is always same. So i knew that you will support me in this manner thanks.
Maverick wrote:

Completely agree with you regarding formatting. Boddunan Article Editor is infact a much sophisticated and advanced content editor available and has a lot of tools that you can use to write the best looking content.

In fact, I was pointing this out since beginning but I was not successful in educating the members to use the features available :( .

And I agree to the point that there should be less credits given to the articles which are poorly formatted or have no formatting at all. However, as Gulshan said, adding images or other tools is with the sole discretion of the article writer.[/quote]

Thanks maverick for supporting me. Gulshan is right at his place. But article writer can easily get pics related his article on Google images and in just seconds he can add. So i think its not a big problem and it can help to make a good article.

I need all suggession from all users.. Come forward all users. I hope you will all learn something from this post. Lohit will back again. I am just busy with my studies.
Lohit seth wrote:

Hello Boddunan members, those who are article writers on Boddunan must implement this. Now i am also one of the Boddunan editors.

I am reviewing articles from a near about 15 days of some members of Boddunan. And one drawback i am seeing from a lot of time in all articles that there is no proper formatting.

Everybody is just writing, and submitting the content. In 99% articles there is no pictures, no proper font, no proper headings. Why Boddunan provides you a very effective article editor, this is for you all to make easy for you to write a very nice article with a beautiful looks.
But no one is on Boddunan who can give a proper shape & nice looks with good content.

In some article content have broken lines and in some articles there is no space in lines & paragraphs which makes article hard to understand & read.

There is a various kind of fonts and picture borders and size of words are provided. But no one is using why, can't you all give time 10 minutes more at your article to give it a proper shape, size and looks.

If your article is easy readable, understandable and good looks with good content, then automatically readers of your article with increase.

Be a good article writer. I just noticed that members have motive to earn money. So, They are just giving content. So many members write in forums that they are not getting right cash credits for article, this is due to this mistake which you all are doing.
I am giving you examples of some article, but this means not I am point that a particular article writer. This is for all. I am just giving examples.





There is no bold heading, lines are not equal, some articles links are not properly added.

Left align, right align, middle align. no body is using Boddunan editor properly.

See This article proper format. I always give a proper shape to my article.






In these article, you can see, fonts, headings, picture every thing is here. So article is very easy readable.

Maverick, this is not going good. I think you must be strict regarding article formatting.

Just cut the cash credits if article is have a proper format and headings. Or give a proper job to an editor or assign an editor for giving a proper shape to that article.

If the article is bad formatted, then give Rs 7 or Rs 5 at the place of Rs 10 for that article and give that cut cash credits of Rs 3 or Rs 5 or more to that article shape maker editor.

Maverick i also need suggession from your side also.

I hope there will be a positive response from you all members.

Lohit firstly congrats for the Editor.

yahhhh even me also agree with you regarding the article formatting. Some members just write the content and don't even think regarding the formatting.Please make some kind flash or any kinda article which teaches the formatting who don't know it.
I don't tink so some members intentionally just submit the article, may be they don't know.

But i like the concern you show regarding work and dedication towards your work..

nishant jain wrote:
[quote]Lohit seth wrote:

Hello Boddunan members, those who are article writers on Boddunan must implement this. Now i am also one of the Boddunan editors.

I am reviewing articles from a near about 15 days of some members of Boddunan. And one drawback i am seeing from a lot of time in all articles that there is no proper formatting.

Everybody is just writing, and submitting the content. In 99% articles there is no pictures, no proper font, no proper headings. Why Boddunan provides you a very effective article editor, this is for you all to make easy for you to write a very nice article with a beautiful looks.
But no one is on Boddunan who can give a proper shape & nice looks with good content.

In some article content have broken lines and in some articles there is no space in lines & paragraphs which makes article hard to understand & read.

There is a various kind of fonts and picture borders and size of words are provided. But no one is using why, can't you all give time 10 minutes more at your article to give it a proper shape, size and looks.

If your article is easy readable, understandable and good looks with good content, then automatically readers of your article with increase.

Be a good article writer. I just noticed that members have motive to earn money. So, They are just giving content. So many members write in forums that they are not getting right cash credits for article, this is due to this mistake which you all are doing.
I am giving you examples of some article, but this means not I am point that a particular article writer. This is for all. I am just giving examples.





There is no bold heading, lines are not equal, some articles links are not properly added.

Left align, right align, middle align. no body is using Boddunan editor properly.

See This article proper format. I always give a proper shape to my article.






In these article, you can see, fonts, headings, picture every thing is here. So article is very easy readable.

Maverick, this is not going good. I think you must be strict regarding article formatting.

Just cut the cash credits if article is have a proper format and headings. Or give a proper job to an editor or assign an editor for giving a proper shape to that article.

If the article is bad formatted, then give Rs 7 or Rs 5 at the place of Rs 10 for that article and give that cut cash credits of Rs 3 or Rs 5 or more to that article shape maker editor.

Maverick i also need suggession from your side also.

I hope there will be a positive response from you all members.

Lohit firstly congrats for the Editor.

yahhhh even me also agree with you regarding the article formatting. Some members just write the content and don't even think regarding the formatting.Please make some kind flash or any kinda article which teaches the formatting who don't know it.
I don't tink so some members intentionally just submit the article, may be they don't know.

But i like the concern you show regarding work and dedication towards your work..

BEST OF LUCK.[/quote]

Thanks nishant for supporting me. I think you are right. there must be a flash. But i will write a article before this sunday if i will get time which can show how to format article correctly.
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